Hypothesis- This research is part of my M. A Design project focuses on preserving and sustaining the traditional textile heritage of the Bodo tribe in Assam by exploring the decolonized perspective of Design. The study aims to create awareness among young adults to understand the Value of traditional textiles through interaction and engagement in the modern context.
Project Description- 'TEXFILE' is a mobile-based website dedicated to the preservation and promotion of textile heritage and knowledge. This innovative platform leverages QR code scanning technology to empower users to explore, learn about, and contribute to the preservation of textile motifs.

Texfile Website-Â Texfile (project-texfile.netlify.app)
About the community-Â Stories | Aagor Daagra Afad (aagorweaves.wixsite.com)
Finding Aagor- Interacty – engaging content | Interacty project
Encoded patchwork Design
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I appreciate for taking out the time to go through my project, I would be grateful to hear your feedback :)
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